Hoping for some help. We came back from holiday... The gate opened and then it wouldn't close. It displays Phot so I assumed it to be a photocell issue, which made sense as I wasn't hearing the usual relay click sound when something broke the beam. But... On removing the photocells and connecting them to a proper power supply they appear to work fine. The relays click happily and the output voltage from pin 5 on the Rx circuit changes as you'd expect. You can see the IR output on a mobile phone camera when connected to a separate power supply.
So, I started measuring voltage going to the photocells. There's just 3.7V going to the Tx photocell and 3.3V going to the Rx end. No happy relay clicking either, even when I hold tx and Rx ends next to each other with some extension wires.
Any ideas? Where do I go from here. Hopefully I've measured the right bits!
Forgot to say Bft 130 photocells.
Hoping for some help. We came back from holiday... The gate opened and then it wouldn't close. It displays Phot so I assumed it to be a photocell issue, which made sense as I wasn't hearing the usual relay click sound when something broke the beam. But... On removing the photocells and connecting them to a proper power supply they appear to work fine. The relays click happily and the output voltage from pin 5 on the Rx circuit changes as you'd expect. You can see the IR output on a mobile phone camera when connected to a separate power supply.
So, I started measuring voltage going to the photocells. There's just 3.7V going to the Tx photocell and 3.3V going to the Rx end. No happy relay clicking either, even when I hold tx and Rx ends next to each other with some extension wires.
Any ideas? Where do I go from here. Hopefully I've measured the right bits!
Forgot to say Bft 130 photocells.