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ASO s/e contr and Sens able loop cont
Hi, I am using a Faac E124 control board for my gates. I have a 2 channel ASO - SLK safety edge controller, and a Sens able loop detector which I wish to use as a safety loop. I am using both channels on the safety edge controller but the edges are all protecting on closing direction. I have been told to wire the loop controller in series with the safety edge controller. is this correct? can anyone give me a diagram for this?

I have attached a drawing but I am unsure where I have gone wrong??

Please help!



Attached Files
.pdf   Safety loop_SL001-Layout1.pdf (Size: 52.1 KB / Downloads: 829)
Safety devices connected to the IN 4 and IN5 contacts of the E124 can have one of the following behaviors:

1) Protect during closing
(if activated during closing, gate reverses to opening)
N.C. device connected between IN5 & GND if no category #3 devices are connected
N.C. device connected between IN5 & IN4 if any category #3 devices are connected

2) Protect during opening
(if activated during opening, gate reverses to closing)
N.C. device connected between IN4 & GND if no category #3 devices are connected
Not possible (in an easy way) when category #3 devices are connected

3) Protect during closing and opening
(if activated during either opening or closing, gate stops and remains still while activated - when released gate begins opening)
N.C. device connected between IN5 & GND (with devices of category #1 connected between IN5 & IN4)

Possible combinations are: only #1 device(s), only #2 device(s), only #3 device(s), #1 & #2 device(s), #1 & #3 device(s). Multiple devices of each category must be connected in series. Jumpers must be used to fake installation of missing N.C. devices.

The way your loop should be connected depends on the location of the loop (if on the outside of the gate then #1 - if on the inside then #3)

The loop must be installed in a way that it does not detect the gate leafs (is not located too close to them, or under the area they travel or the gate is made of aluminum). If in doubt, test before installation by laying the loop cable on the floor and fixing it in the same shape as you plan on using.

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