Electric Gates, Garage Door, Access Control, Smart Home & Security Forums
Two BFT pairs of electric gates (one remote) - Printable Version

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Two BFT pairs of electric gates (one remote) - Harry44 - 28-05-2024

We are lucky enough to live on a farm with a long drive, we have always had a pair of electric gates in the centre of the drive but we are going to be putting a pair of gates as you pull in from the road. I am a qualified electrician and have done lots of welding jobs in the past (dont ask) so i will be building the gates myself. We already have a pair of 8" box steel posts ready to hang the gates from ready. 
The original gates are around 20 years old, BFT and we have had to replace one ram in the time we have had them, so will be going for another set, as more than happy with the quality. I think they are equivalent to the 'lux' range.

What my question is, the gate remotes we have now are two button, and the left button is the only one that works to open the gate, when we have the second set installed would it be possible to programme that you press the right button to open the first set, drive a bit further and then press the left button to open the second set of gates?

The general consensus of our family on the property is to have both sets of gates functional for multiple reasons. 

Thanks in advance.

RE: Two BFT pairs of electric gates (one remote) - Aiden Mitton - 04-06-2024

Hi Harry,

BFT's remote compatibility is usually quite broad so you would be able to have one set of gates on your one button and the other set on the other button. However I can't 100% confirm this as I am not too sure which gate control panels / remote you are using.

If you can let me know these details, I can confirm whether this will be possible.

Many Thanks.
